Nominations Committee Betsy McCoach
Program Chair Report Karen Rambo, Chair Hope Wilson, Assistant Chair
SIG Social Event: Chicago
Business Meeting Speaker
Awards Committee Marcia Gentry, chair
Publications Committee Del Siegle Members: Del Siegle (chair), a graduate student (to be named), Matt Makel (pending).
Mentoring Committee Anne Rinn Members: Anne Rinn, Kate Snyder, and Rachel Yung.
Wallace Symposium Susan Assouline
1. Treasurer's report - Sidney Moon
- short version, in good shape
Brought in $2000, spent $1900 in the last year Around $11,000 currently in reserves Technically we currently are running a negative budget and could chew through reserves over some years so may need to consider the question in future of how we are using/taking in funds.
2. Mentoring committee report - Kate Snyder
Great year:
9 mentor apps and 1 invited mentor who accepted
6 mentee apps (2 declined, one no response) Great matches
Please continue to volunteer!
3. Newsletter report - Bess Wilson
2 issues, thanks for contributing
Actively recruiting new newsletter editor - email Del if you are interested A follow up email will also go out to recruit
4. Program chair report - Carol Carman
74 paper and 4 symposium submissions
Accepted 2 symposia, 18 papers in paper sessions, 17 papers in roundtables, 5 posters Thanks to reviewers; reminder that if you volunteer and are asked to review it is really important to complete the reviews Thanks to those who filled in to review at the last minute Please volunteer to review; also please volunteer to be a chair or discussant
5. Awards report - Michael Matthews
Thanks to the awards committee
Gave 2 grad student travel fellowship awards this year; reminder that student has to be lead or sole author and the paper has to be high quality Carlton Fong received one award; second to Enyi Jen Update on other awards: Michael Pyryt award not given this year, need for review of the criteria - watch for more news on that in future
6. Elections report - Marcia Gentry
Robustly contested elections!
Newly elected:
Mike Matthews - chair elect
Jill Adelson - secretary
Bess Wilson - assistant
Anne Rinn - member at large
Marcia Gentry - member at large
Rachel Cheung - grad student rep
7. Committee solicitation - Del Siegle
Four committees introduced, sheet going around, email to go around next week Awards committee - chair: Michael Matthews Membership committee - chair: Jill Adelson Publications committee - chair: Marcia Gentry Mentoring committee - chairs: Kate Snyder and Anne Rinn
8. Thanks to outgoing board members - Betsy McCoach
Betsy McCoach - chair
Marcia Gentry - past chair
Carol Carman - program chair
Catherine Little - secretary
Matt Makel - member at large
Kim Chandler - member at large
Jason McIntosh - grad student rep
9. Chair's report - Betsy McCoach
Discontinuation of the e-journal - determined by the board today after the survey of the membership Betsy thanked membership for all the work and participation, acknowledged past and incoming chairs
10. Old business - none
11. New business - none
12. Presentation of 2013 Pathfinder paper: When Less is More: Effects of grade skipping on adult STEM productivity among mathematically precocious adolescents by Gregory Park, David Lubinski, and Camilla Benbow
13. Presentation on history of gifted education - Joe Renzulli - moderated by Ann Robinson and Jennifer Jolly