Key Initiatives
Membership Drive

The Semiotics in Education: Signs, Meanings, and Multimodality SIG is undergoing a membership drive to increase the number of scholars, researchers, practitioners, and students who desire to learn and share their work with others in the field of semiotics. 

Over the years, we have maintained an enrollment that varied from a minimum of 30 members to a maximum of 50 members. AERA has changed the minimum number of members for a SIG to 75 members. If we cannot increase our membership to 75 members by September this year, the SIG Executive Committee will recommend to the AERA Council that the Semiotics in Education SIG be discontinued after the conclusion of the 2015 Annual Meeting. 

New membership is needed now, and I do very much appreciate your support!  I also urge you to reach out to colleagues and students who may be interested in joining the Semiotics in Education SIG.   New members would be supporting the continuation of a SIG that fosters an entirely different analytical perspective and offers fresh looks at familiar ideas.

Directions for joining the SIG are located at the Members link. 

If we do not act quickly, the Semiotics in Education SIG will become a memory.  So if you have ideas or new approaches for increasing the membership, please let me know.

Thank you for your support.

Best wishes,

Rachel J. Pinnow, Chair

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