
 Mara Allodi and Barry Fraser, recipients of Best “Published” Paper 2007, at the AERA 2008 Award Ceremony in New York City



Shwu Yong Huang, the Award Chair with Perry den Brok, Bruce Waldrip, and Jeffrey Dorman, recipients of Best “Presented” Paper 2007, at the AERA 2008 Award Ceremony in New York City



 Award Chair, Celia Johnson and recipient of Best “Presented” Paper 2006, Joe Nicols at the Award Ceremony in Chicago

Each year the SIG provides two awards sponsored by Springer.

  • Best “Presented” Paper Award: given to the author/s judged to have presented the most significant paper for the SIG.
  • Best “Published” Paper Award: given to the author/s judged to have published the most significant paper in the journal of Learning Environments Research.

The papers are evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Choice of topic/contribution to the field of education;
  • Mechanics of the research: Theoretical Frame, methods, data source(s)
  • Quality of the writing/organization; and
  • Conclusions/Interpretations.

Each year there will be a call for nominations in the fall by the Award Chair, Mrs. Shwu-yong Huang[email protected]. If you present a paper for the SIG at the AERA Annual Meeting, or publish a paper on the journal Learning Environments Research and wish to be considered for the awards, you may submit an electronic copy of your paper to the Award Chair then. Papers can be self-nominated or nominated by a colleague. The award ceremony is held at the SIG business meeting, AERA Annual Meeting.

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