Who We Are
SIG Officers



Robert Fox
[email protected]

Priscilla Wohlstetter
[email protected]


Marisa Ann Cannata
[email protected]

Program Chair

Chris Torres

[email protected]

Communications Officer

Nina Buchanan
[email protected]

Structure & Governance

Structure & Governance

CHARTERS AND SCHOOL CHOICE (CACS) SIG is a dynamic, ever evolving organization of researchers, practitioners and policy makers who go beyond the hype of school choice and explore the reality of the world of school choice in the US and internationally. We are governed by bylaws which have been written and approved by the SIG membership and the AERA Council. The biggest value of being a CAS SIG member is the ability to collaborate with other AERA members and participating in a leadership role in the SIG make this experience even more rich. Over the past two years senior SIG members have helped us to evolve into the vibrant organization we are today. To keep moving forward, we need your help. It is not enough to be a "member" of the SIG once a year at the  Annual AERA meeting. Join with us in helping to make the SIG a genuine community of scholars. Contact any of the officers to volunteer to serve or share ideas to improve the SIG.

Read the Bylaws and be in the know!!
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