TACTL Awards
Best Paper Award
When merited, the Best Paper Award is presented to the individual(s) who have submitted the most exceptional research paper accepted for presentation at the following Annual AERA Meeting.  The top ten rated paper proposals are considered for this award based on the criteria used to evaluate all proposals.  These include z-score rankings from the general proposal review, the quality of the research problem, its relationship to SIG TACTL’s goals, the theoretical and literature framework, and the execution of appropriate research methods. 

Authors of the top ten paper proposals are invited to submit their full papers in early February for consideration for SIG TACTL Best Paper Award. All papers are sent for blind review by at least two scholars who will consider the potential for the research to move the field (described in the SIG TACTL mission) forward, standard research paper criteria (rationale, literature, theoretical framework, appropriate methods, data sources, and analysis techniques), and adherence to academic writing conventions).  The winner(s) will receive a plaque at the annual TACTL SIG Business meeting.

Contact Chrystalla Mouza, [email protected] by December 20, 2014 if you are interested in serving as a reviewer for this award.

Previous winners by year:
2014: Preparing Teachers to Integrate Technology Into K-12 Instruction: Comparing a Stand-Alone Technology Course With a Technology-Infused Approach
Ray Buss
Keith Wetzel
Teresa Foulger
LeeAnn Lindsey

2013: Examining Domains of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Using Factor Analysis
Valerie Shinas
Sule Yilmaz-Ozden
Chrystalla Mouza
Rachel Karchmer-Klein
Joseph J. Glutting

2012: Examining the effects of cognitive style on learners' performance and interactivity with a computer-modeling tool to solve a problem
Charoula M. Angeli
Nicolaos C. Valanides

2011: Teaching Preservice Elementary Teachers to Teach Science with Computer Models
Charoula M. Angeli
 Nicolaos C. Valanides

2010: Cosmopolitan Imaginings of Self and Other: Girls in India Go Online
Glynda Hull
Amy Stornaiuolo
Urvashi Sahni

2009: Web 2.0 as an Agent of Transformative Educational Change: A New Conceptual Model
Kama A. Bruce
James M. Guion
Lucas Horton
Joan E. Hughes
Amy Prescott 
Early Career Scholar Award

The SIG-TACTL is announcing a new award to be identified this coming year.  The award recognizes early career professionals who make substantial scholarly contributions to the use of technology as an agent of change in inservice, preservice or teacher education. The award is open to early career professionals who have completed their doctoral degree within five (5) years of the year in which they apply for the award.

Self or peer nominations are accepted. Nominations must include a (1) letter of nomination providing a rationale for how the nominee has made substantial scholarly contributions to the use of technology as an agent of change in inservice, preservice or teacher education, (2) description of the nominee’s research agenda (750 word limit) and (3) the nominee’s curriculum vita.  We anticipate that the applications will be due by November 15 with the awardee selected by February 1.

Contact Chrystalla Mouza, [email protected] by November 15, 2014 if you are interested in serving as a reviewer for this award.

Selection criteria include:

  1. Clarity of rationale presented in the nomination letter
  2. Clearly articulated research agenda 
  3. Quality of scholarship related to the use of technology as an agent of change in inservice, preservice or teacher education 
  4. Demonstrated impact of the scholarship

The winner will receive a plaque at the annual TACTL SIG business meeting.

2014 Early Career Scholar Award

Amy Hutchison
Iowa State University

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