2016 Scholar Award

The 7th Annual Out-of-School Time Scholar Award was awarded during the 2016 OST SIG Business Meeting to Dr. Thomas Akiva, Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh. Please read about his research in our 20th issue of OST World: Research Connections.

Since 2009, the Out-of-School Time Special Interest Group (OST SIG) has sponsored two types of awards, OST SIG Scholar and Emerging Scholar Awards, both established to promote and support quality research in the field of Out-of-School Time.  Recipients must demonstrate excellence, creativity, and initiative in their research; and conduct innovative, high quality research that contributes to the field of Out of School Time learning. Emerging Scholar award (category A) is awarded to a graduate student in a pre-defense stage. Scholar award (category B) is awarded to early career professionals in the first five years of their post-doctoral career.

Please check back in the Fall 2016 for the 2017 Emerging Scholar Award application. Awards application (RFP) will be distributed in September and will be due in early November. Decisions will be made by an awards committee in early February, and the award presented at the OST SIG business meeting during the AERA annual meeting. The award consists of a plaque and a check for up to $350.

Scholar and Emerging Scholar Awards

Congratulations to our 2015 Emerging Scholar Awardee: Sabrina Kataoka!

Click here to read about Sabrina's work.

Since 2009, the Out-of-School Time Special Interest Group (OST SIG) has sponsored two types of awards, OST SIG Scholar and Emerging Scholar Awards, both established to promote and support quality research in the field of Out-of-School Time.  Recipients must demonstrate excellence, creativity and initiative in their research; and conduct innovative, high quality research that contributes to the field of Out of School Time learning. Emerging Scholar award (category A) is awarded to a graduate student in a pre-defense stage. Scholar award (category B) is awarded to early career professionals in the first five years of their post-doctoral career.  Awards application (RFP) will be distributed in September and will be due in early November. Decisions will be made by an awards committee in early February, and the award presented at the OST SIG business meeting during the AERA annual meeting. The award consists of a plaque and a check for up to $350.

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