Event Photographs

Education Research and Research Policy

Payoffs of Long-Term Investment in Education Research

Researchers gather for the briefing in the Dirksen Senate Office
Building on February 14

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Standing (left to right): 
Michael S. McPherson, Spencer Foundation;
Susan H. Fuhrman, Teachers College, Columbia University;
Ruby Takanishi, Foundation for Child Development.

John W. Fantuzzo, University of Pennsylvania;
Bridget Terry Long, Harvard University;
Robert H. Meyer, University of Wisconsin – Madison;
Brian Rowan, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor;

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Reflecting a shared interest, the panel and audience engage in spirited dialogue on the long-term payoffs of investment in education research.


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Robert M. Hauser, Interim Executive Director of the Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education at the National Academy of Sciences, joins the discussion with a question to the presenters.

A standing-room-only crowd listens attentively to the event speakers.  

Photos by Robert L. Stevens




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