Education Research and Research Policy
Payoffs of Long-Term Investment in Education Research
Researchers gather for the briefing in the Dirksen Senate Office Building on February 14.
Researchers Standing (left to right): Michael S. McPherson, Spencer Foundation; Susan H. Fuhrman, Teachers College, Columbia University; Ruby Takanishi, Foundation for Child Development.
Seated: John W. Fantuzzo, University of Pennsylvania; Bridget Terry Long, Harvard University; Robert H. Meyer, University of Wisconsin – Madison; Brian Rowan, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor;
Reflecting a shared interest, the panel and audience engage in spirited dialogue on the long-term payoffs of investment in education research.
Robert M. Hauser, Interim Executive Director of the Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education at the National Academy of Sciences, joins the discussion with a question to the presenters.
Photos by Robert L. Stevens