Message from SIG Chair

         Invitation for International Research and Development

                                                        Message from the SIG Chair

Internationalisation is driven by globalisation of modern economies and related develo
pments in the labour market as well as by global spreading of cultural ideas and socio-cultural initiatives. These aspects can be linked to each other in global policy frameworks that are developed and monitored by international umbrella organisations (such as UNESCO and ILO). Globalization and internationalization may connected to each other in regional policy frameworks that are developed, e.g. by the Federal Government of the United States and by the European Union. At the level of the actual education and training provisions, global and local policies can have different implications, for example involvement in international mobility schemes and placements, and participation in international research and development projects in the name of internationalization. Outsourcing of the companies and jobs to low-paid countries might have been rather a chance created by globalization than a long-term planning.

The focuses on internationalization and international development could be based on the activities of the faculty in education and training. The main objectives of the international research agenda might be as follows, for example:

·         Developing new multidisciplinary and international research initiatives for education and training methodology, higher   education teaching materials, and wide dissemination of results;

·        Establishing a network of researchers, civil servants and students working in the field and improving the quality of international education and training;

·        Promoting collaboration and understanding on intercultural education at institutional, national and regional levels; and

·        Organizing national and international meetings and seminars to promote research on internationalization of education and training. 

As the area of international and intercultural education and training represents a cultural aspect of education, it covers education system frameworks. The objectives of each project and study program could be specified in research, curriculum development and professional networking. For example, the activities focuses on local, national and international comparisons of education and training systems, research on learning competence through work, and teaching and training professionals.

The spheres of internationalization draw attention on different driving forces of international developments in education and training and to corresponding action contexts for international cooperation. Three different spheres of internationalization are introduced briefly. These characterisations draw attention to different research agendas and preconditions for knowledge production and knowledge utilization:

·        Home Internationalisation. The first sphere refers to the manifestations of internationalization that are directly related to education and training initiatives within domestic educational contexts. On the one hand the activities may be related to international dissemination of educational ideas and to their working concepts. On the other hand they can be related to the educational measures that arise from broader international developments such as integration of migrants to the local communities and workplace, and support for partner schools and colleges in developing countries. The essential feature of the activities can be launched in domestic contexts without necessarily being linked to major policy frameworks. 

·        Regional Internationalisation. The second sphere refers to the manifestations of internationalization that are directly or indirectly linked to the process of regional / continental integration. Firstly, such activities can be related, for example, to common American or European policy initiatives and to specific regional cooperation programmes. Secondly, activities can be related to the enlargement of African / Northern American / European Union and to the broadening of the range of cooperation areas. Thirdly, the activities can be related to specific cultural areas in America / Africa / Asia / Europe (e.g. the traditional Nordic countries cooperation). Fourthly, they can be related to specific sub-areas that involve cooperation between, e.g. EU member states and non-member states (e.g. the broader context of Baltic cooperation). The essential feature of the activities is that they are related overarching policy processes that promote African / Northern American / European integration in the field of education and training and they may be supported by specific regional cooperation programmes. The transnational projects that are supported with regional funding are expected to provide some kind of regional added value while developing education and training.

·        Global Internationalization and Educational Development. The third sphere refers to the manifestations of globalization that are related to broader international contexts and to arrangements that link different global regions to each other. Firstly, the topics may be related to common policies and international recommendations that are agreed in the international organizations (e.g. UNESCO, World Bank and ILO). Secondly, these may be related to specific regional and interregional monitoring activities that are organized by diverse international organizations (e.g. the institutes and regional offices of UNESCO). Thirdly, these may be related to bilateral cooperation arrangements between developed and developing countries and to the work of the national agencies that are supporting cooperation. Fourthly, these may be related to newer modes of cooperation that link the activities of several developing countries, frameworks for donor cooperation and facilitating measures of specific supporting organisations. The feature of the activities is that they are related to global policy frameworks of international organisations that have to rely on intergovernmental agreements without direct international funds. There may not be basis for organizing cooperation and exchanges between national experts that are involved in inter-regional cooperation measures of education and training.

Dr. Johanna Lasonen, Chair

 of International Studies SIG

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